Skytron’s Ultraviolet C (UVC) provides an effective method of microorganism inactivation for contaminated air and surfaces. UV technology has been in use since the early 1900s for municipal water supplies and Skytron’s UVC devices are a powerful, modern, mobile solution.
UVC energy is a wavelength range of Ultraviolet energy spanning 200-280 nanometers (nm). Skytron’s UVC devices specifically employ the highly effective 253.7 nm bandwidth to cause photochemical damage to cellular DNA and virus RNA. This biological damage inactivates the cell by preventing replication. Efficacy is determined by the overall dose of UVC light, which is a product of lamp output (i.e., intensity) and exposure duration.
Traditional, manual cleaning protocols are often insufficient in stopping the spread of microorganisms and leave room for error in technique and chemical application. With the use of UVC devices in any facility, the Skytron portfolio ensures the correct UVC dose is thoroughly delivered to all surfaces.